Dental Sealants in Indian Land

Dental Sealants Near You

A dental sealant is a covering designed to fit over the top surface of your tooth. This covering, made from dental plastic, acts as a shield, preventing particles and bacteria from gathering in the tooth’s grooves and causing cavities.

Dr. Ajayi, our dentist in Indian Land, is here to help you navigate your dental journey. If you’d like to learn more about this unique preventative treatment, please contact our local dental practice.

dental sealants near you

Why Consider Sealants

We all do our best to keep our smiles clean and healthy. But it can still be difficult to eliminate every bit of debris on our teeth, especially those at the back of our mouth since they’re hard to reach. Sealants can be a wonderful tool for children as they’re still learning to care for their teeth. Adults can also receive sealants; speak with a dentist near you to get started.

Applying Dental Sealants

The process of adhering sealants to your teeth is a simple one, and here at Wellness Smiles Dentistry, Dr. Ajayi will make sure that you’re comfortable throughout the treatment. The general steps are as follows:

  1. An examination of your smile, including a discussion of your goals and preferences.
  2. Once you’re approved for this treatment, Dr. Ajayi will clean and dry your smile.
  3. A special liquid solution is spread across the chewing surfaces of the teeth that require sealants.
  4. A curing light is used to help the sealants harden.
  5. Ajayi will do a final assessment and ensure that everything is looking good before letting you go.

If you or any member of your family have questions about getting dental sealants near you, our team would be happy to answer them. Your oral health and well-being are important to us, and we are dedicated to improving the smiles of all our patients.

Note: Dental sealants are not a substitute for daily brushing and flossing or routine dental visits. You still need to prioritize your hygiene to avoid the need for future procedures. With proper care, your sealants can last nearly 10 years before they need replacement.

Visit Our Local Dental Practice

Here at Wellness Smiles Dentistry, our staff works hard to preserve one smile at a time. If you think you may be a good candidate for dental sealants in Indian Land, book a consultation with Dr. Ajayi today. You can do so by calling, emailing, or visiting our practice at 8177 Charlotte Hwy, Suite 100.

We look forward to working with you!

