Everything You Need to Know About Composite Fillings

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everything you need to know about composite fillings

Composite fillings help to repair teeth that are damaged from cavities or other causes. This is the popular option performed by dentists to fill tiny holes because they appear like natural teeth. If you are considering composite fillings near you, the following information will help you know why they are a good option.

What are Composite Fillings?

Composite fillings are dental restorations used to restore decayed or damaged teeth. Made from a combination of glass or plastic particles with a resin bonding material, they can be adjusted to match the shade of natural teeth. The dentist fills this portion of the tooth to restore functionality and enhance its appearance.

Why Do You Need Composite Fillings?

A dentist might recommend composite fillings for the following reasons:.

  • Repairing cavities: A cavity in a tooth indicates that the tooth has been decayed or damaged due to extensive cavities. Composite fillings fill this space, preventing further decay and restoring the function of the tooth.
  • Repairing chipped teeth: If your tooth is cracked or slightly chipped, a composite filling may help to repair the damage.
  • Enhancing of Tooth Appearance: Composite fillings are utilized to change the shape of teeth that are discoloured or irregularly shaped. They can blend well with the natural colour of your teeth and become less noticeable.

The Procedure of Composite Fillings

The procedure for composite fillings in Indian Land is usually performed in one visit to the dentist. Here is the basic overview of the process:

  • Preparing the tooth: First, your dentist removes the decayed portion of your tooth to ensure that the filling is placed in a clean area.
  • Cleaning: The dentist cleans the cavity to ensure there are no bacteria left behind.
  • Applying the composite: The filling will be applied to the damaged tooth. It is done in layers and hardened with the help of a special light.
  • Shaping: The dentist will shape the tooth to match your natural teeth when the filling has hardened.
  • Polishing: The filling will be polished to make it smooth and shiny, just like your other teeth.

Advantages of Composite Fillings

Below are some of the advantages of composite fillings:

  • Appear natural: Composite fillings are made to match the colour of your teeth. As a result, they are less noticeable than other fillings.
  • Strength and durability: Composite filling is strong and can bear chewing pressure.
  • Bonding: They bond well with the tooth and can strengthen the tooth as well.
  • Less tooth removal: In many cases, in order to place composite fillings, dentists generally need to remove less part of your healthy tooth compared to other fillings.

How Long Do Composite Fillings Last?

Generally, composite fillings can last between 5 -7 years, and there are several factors that can affect their life expectancy.

  • Filling location: Fillings for back teeth wear out quicker than fillings for front teeth.
  • Oral hygiene: Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day will help to extend the life of your composite fillings. Additionally, you should schedule visits to the dentist near you for a checkup and to know whether your composite filling is in good condition.
  • Food habits: Avoid intake of hard and sticky foods to prevent your fillings from breaking or becoming loose.

Tips to Take Care of Composite Fillings

Here are some tips that will help you to maintain your composite filling so that it lasts for a long time.

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily to eliminate the plaque and food particles, which are hidden in your mouth.
  • Foods that are chewy or hard should be avoided because they can chip or crack the filling on the filled tooth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups to check the condition of your fillings.

Are Composite Fillings Safe?

Yes, composite fillings are considered to be safe and efficient in repairing cavities and restoring teeth. In addition, the materials used in making composite fillings are approved and tested by reputable dental associations.

Contact Wellness Smiles Dentistry Today!

We are dedicated to offering our patients effective and high-quality dental care, regardless of their age. Our dentist in Indian Land offers multiple services to help you resolve your dental issues. We aim to give you maximum comfort so that you can have a positive experience while visiting our dental clinic. If you require dental care or have some questions to ask, call us today!
