What is Medicaid?

Medicaid health insurance is, perhaps, the most frequently mentioned health care program in most parts of the United States. It is designed to help low-income people and families secure the health care they need.

The program is funded by both the federal and state governments and covers many subjects in medicaid services in health care, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, and long-term medical care, among others. Since this is a U.S. government run program, it is not accessible in Canada.

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a health insurance program run by Canada’s government. It’s designed in a way that guarantees all citizens access to essential health care services without being required to pay for them directly out of their pockets.

These services include, among others, visiting a doctor, being in a hospital, and certain medical tests. However, it does not cover everything; for example, you are required to pay for prescription drugs, dental care, or eye exams.

Each province and territory of Canada runs its own Medicare health insurance program, so there technically may be some differences in what is covered and how the servicing is conducted depending on where one lives. However, if you are in Canada, Medicare Advantage Plans guarantee you will see a doctor and receive treatment.

How do Medicare and Medicaid Differ?

1. Location

  • Medicaid – Accessible to Americans only.
  • Medicare – This program is accessible to all Canadians.

2. Funding

  • Medicaid – These are funded by the U.S. federal and state governments.
  • Medicare – This is financed by the Canadian government because of the tax they take from the people all over Canada.

3. Eligibility

  • Medicaid – Low-income people and families are entitled to this in the U.S.
  • Medicare – Every citizen and permanent resident of Canada is eligible for it.

4. Coverage

  • Medicaid – It provides a pretty full range of health care services, including many services not covered by Medicare.
  • Medicare – Each citizen and permanent resident has coverage for basic health care services, although usually not for prescription drugs, dental care, or eye exams.

How Does Dental Care Work in America?

Medicaid in America helps people access dental healthcare services, more so for people who have little earnings. Medicaid is a program that offers health insurance to families with low incomes, children, pregnant women, older adults, and disabled individuals. Medicaid dental care covers check-ups, cleaning of the teeth, fillings, and sometimes dental braces.

Wellness Smiles Dentistry will help you understand and use your Medicaid benefits. We have expert dental staff that can be very friendly and personable to help you and explain which dental services are covered and how you can schedule an appointment.

In case a patient requires a dentist, we will see if we can deliver the service or locate one who accepts Medicaid. We are ready to walk you through each step of the process to make sure you obtain the best professional dental care possible without paying huge bills using Medicaid.

Consult Wellness Smiles Dentistry to Learn More

Understanding the difference between medicaid and medicare benefits, as explained by our dentist in Indian Land, will help you make informed decisions about your finances and health. The main thing to remember is, countries of origin aside, is that these programs don’t include dental care coverage.

If you’re like more information about this, please get in touch with our team here at Wellness Smiles Dentistry. We are here for you and your loved ones; whatever you need, we can provide. Don’t hesitate to book a consultation with us. Our team is eager to meet you!


Medicare is Canada’s health insurance program. It helps everyone to get medical care. Medicaid is what the U.S. calls its program to help low-income people get healthcare. Medicare is for every Canadian; A few Americans apply for medicaid who need extra help in paying for services from doctors, hospitals, etc.

The eligibility to obtain Medicare in Canada includes the following: one has to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, inhabit the province or area where a person applies, and be registered with the health insurance plan from the province or territory.